What is LLLC?
Luminaire Level Lighting Control (LLLC) is a technology that adjusts lighting in commercial spaces in accordance to occupancy and daylight. When you enter an empty room, the lights automatically adjust to your presence, and turn on. Tailoring lighting to occupancy needs drastically reduces energy costs. This lighting system also collects data about which lights are on, and where they are on, allowing facilities to map the amount of people moving through a building. This information is used to directly help cleaners and building managers take care of busy or unoccupied spaces accordingly. Soon, this technology may be applied to helping people stay healthy in communal spaces.
In the wake of COVID-19, room occupancy is something facility managers are paying more attention to, and LLLC systems can provide real-time occupancy tracking alongside daylight harvesting and dimming of electric lights. Occupancy trends can then be used to map the density of people in a space, enabling a more responsive method for ventilation control as a supplement to traditional CO2 sensing. In Facility Executive, we discuss how this data can be integrated with ventilation systems, targeting high occupancy spaces to be ventilated with fresh external air when appropriate, reducing airborne viral transmission risk.
In Healthcare Tech, we explore another potential use of LLLC: asset tracking. In facilities where there is finite equipment and high demand for it’s usage, efficiently finding mobile equipment and moving it around can be vital. By tagging equipment, the LLLC infrastructure can track the position of a machine in a hospital, helping it be located and distributed as quickly as possible, something that may save lives in busy health facilities.
Read our whitepaper, Luminaire Level Lighting Controls and the Future of Healthy Buildings, written in collaboration with BetterBricks, here.