The Institute for Health in the Built Environment will be contributing to an exhibition on Transpecies Design, curated by College of Design Dean Adrian Parr, in the 2023 Venice Biennale. The Institute will feature over a decade of work by the Biology and the Built Environment Center investigating microbiomes of the built environment and on-going new work focused on curating these microbes in our designed environments to improve the health and well-being of human and non-human species. Three columns are included, among others from contributors in the College of Design, that include topics of “Light + Microbes,” “Air + Microbes,” and “Material + Microbes.” You can find more information, including on-going updates of the exhibition on the IHBE website here.
On May 19th, the 2023 Future Cities; Livable Futures: Transpecies Design Symposium will kick off the Biennale exhibition. See the program and speakers + RSVP to attend here. IHBE Interim Director Mark Fretz will travel to Venice to present on “Microbial Tectonics” for the symposium.