IHBE’s mission is to develop new design concepts to create healthy built environments by forming unconventional transdisciplinary collaborations that conduct research where architecture, biology, medicine, chemistry, and engineering intersect and translate it into design practice through a consortium of industry partners called, Build Health.

IHBE’s vision is that that every built environment provides health at multiple scales, from individual to planetary.

The Institute is a multi-PI model with the core founding labs, Energy Studies in Buildings Laboratory, Baker Lighting Laboratory and Biology and the Built Environment Center, positioned within the College of Design. Uniquely, IHBE is structured to host faculty within the College of Design, external collaborators at the University of Oregon and other external academic institutions. However, a unique aspect of the Institute is collaboration that can occur with industry through the research consortium, Build Health, which allows for knowledge exchange and application of new design concepts. Furthermore, IHBE work is supported by a range of talented undergraduate and graduate student researchers.