Carbon Narratives April 30th Workshop

This work was funded through USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS 58-0204-66-002) grant and in association with TallWood Design Institute

Wood Certifications: What is the difference and is it worth the cost?

April 30, 2021 // 9:00- 11:00 PST

The first of the workshop series will center conversations around North American forest certification programs. Panelists of foresters representing small, medium, and large-scaled operations, will candidly speak about forest management practices in the Pacific Northwestern United States and Canada. Their “boots on the ground” perspective will provide invaluable insight on how the AEC’s desire for wood building products impact local ecologies, economics, and overall forest sustainability. The complexities of what it means to select wood from certified forests vs non- certified forests, costs with running certified forests, and the misconceptions and understandings of what our design decisions mean when we select structural wood and wood products will be covered from forestry perspectives. There will be a Q&A period following the panelist presentations.


Laura Chessor // Certification Officer

British Columbia Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and
Rural Development, Campbell River, BC.
SFI Program Participant in BC, CSA Certification, FSC Forest Management
Certification in PNW

Ara Erickson // Director Corporate Sustainability

Weyerhaeuser, Seattle, Washington
SFI Program Participant in PNW

John Henrikson // Owner

Wild Thyme Tree Farm, Oakville, Washington
ATFS Certification, FSC Forest Management Certification in PNW

Mike Warjone // President

Port Blakely Tree Farms, Olympia, Washington
SFI Program Participant in PNW
FSC Forest Management Certification in New Zealand