The Interplay of Light and Comfort

The Interplay of Light and Comfort

  Light has a huge impact on our lives; from our health, to our visual comfort and satisfaction with our local environment, to the way in which we behave indoors and operate our buildings.  The way we use, or don’t use, light in the built environment can...
Ventilation Source Affects the Indoor Air Microbiome

Ventilation Source Affects the Indoor Air Microbiome

  The two main sources of microorganisms indoors are the macroscopic occupants; people, pets, plants, and pests, and the environment outdoors, in particular – outdoor air.  When buildings are operated in a “closed mode”, they may utilize...
Bacteria on Classroom Surfaces Vary With Human Contact

Bacteria on Classroom Surfaces Vary With Human Contact

  The microorganisms inside the built environment often come from the occupants inside- mostly humans, pets, and plants.  How we shape and operate the spaces in that built environment, and how we use the materials within that space, can affect the community of...