
Dyke, C., Van Den Wymelenberg, K., Djunaedy, E., & Steciak, J. (2015). Comparing Whole Building Energy Implications of Sidelighting Systems with Alternate Manual Blind Control Algorithms. Buildings, 5(2), 467–496.

Kembel, S.W., Meadow, J.F., O’Connor, T.K., Mhuireach, G., Northcutt, D., Kline, J., Moriyama, M., Brown, G.Z., Bohannan, B.J., Green, J.L. 2014. Architectural design drives the biogeography of indoor bacterial communities. PLoS ONE 9(1): e87093. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0087093

Meadow, J.F., Altrichter A.E., Kembel S.W., Kline J, Mhuireach G, Moriyama M, Northcutt D, O’Connor T.K., Womack A.M., Brown GZ, Green J.L., Bohannan B.J.M. 2013. Indoor airborne bacterial communities are influenced by ventilation, occupancy, and outdoor air source.Indoor Air 24(1):41–48. doi:10.1111/ina.12047.

Meadow, J., Bateman, A.C., Herkert, K.M., O’Connor, T.K., Green, J.L. 2013. Significant changes in the skin microbiome mediated by the sport of roller derby.PeerJ 1:e53. doi:10.7717/peerj.53.

Kembel, S.W., Jones, E., Kline, J., Northcutt, D., Stenson, J., Womack, A.M., Bohannan, B.J.M, Brown, G.Z., Green, J.L. 2012. Architectural design influences the diversity and structure of the built environment microbiome.International Society of Microbial Ecology (ISME) Journal 6:1469–1479. doi:10.1038/ismej.2011.211.

Rockcastle, S.F., M. L. Ámundadóttir and M. Andersen. OCUVIS: A Web-Based Visualizer for Simulated Daylight Performance in Buildings. Accepted to SimAUD 2018 – Symposium on Simulation for Architecture & Urban Design, Delft, June 4-7, 2018.

Rockcastle, S.F., K. Chamilothori, and M. Andersen. An experiment in virtual reality to measure daylight-driven interest in rendered architectural scenes. BS2017 – 15th International Conference of the International Building Performance Simulation Association, San Francisco, August 7-9, 2017. 

Rockcastle, S.F. M. L. Ámundadóttir and M. Andersen. A Simulation-based workflow to assess human-centric daylight performance. SimAUD 2017 – Symposium on Simulation for Architecture & Urban Design, Toronto, May 22-24, 2017.

Ámundadóttir, M.L., S. F. Rockcastle, M. Sarey Khanie, and M. Andersen. A human-centric approach to assess daylight for non-visual health potential, visual interest and gaze behavior, accepted to Building & Environment, September 30, 2016.

Rockcastle, S.F., M. L. Ámundadóttir and M. Andersen. Contrast measures for predicting perceptual effects of daylight in architectural renderings, accepted in Lighting Research and Technology, 2016.

Andersen, M., Guillemin, A., Ámundadóttir, M. L., & Rockcastle, S. F. (2013). Beyond illumination: An interactive simulation framework for non-visual and perceptual aspects of daylighting performance. Presented at the BS2013 – 13th International Conference of the International Building Performance Simulation Association.

Alivisatos, A.P., Blaser, M.J., Brodie, E.L., Chun, M., Dangl, J.L., Donohue, T.J., Eisen, J.A., Green, J.L., Jansson, J.K., Knight, R., Maxon, M.E., McFall-Ngai, M.J., Miller, J.F., Ruby, E.J., Taha, S. 2015. A unified initiative to harness Earth’s microbiomes. Science 350 (6260): 507-508, doi:10.1126/science.aac8480.

Gormly, K., Mahic, A., & Van Den Wymelenberg, K. G. (2016). Can we use smartphone-imaging sensors as low cost luminance mapping tools to support design processes, integrated lighting system control and human factors research? Presented at the IES Annual Conference, Orlando, FL.

Jakubiec, J., Reinhart, C.F., VanDen Wymelenberg, K.G. (2015). Towards an integrated framework for predicting visual comfort conditions from luminance-based metrics in perimeter daylit spaces. 14th International Conference of the International Building Performance Simulation Associate, Building Simulation.

Jakubiec, J., Inanici, M., Van Den Wymelenberg, K., & Mahic, A. (2016). Improving the Accuracy of Measurements in Daylit Interior Scenes Using High Dynamic Range Photography. Presented at the Passive and Low Energy Architecture (PLEA) Conference, Los Angeles, CA.

Jakubiec, J., Van Den Wymelenberg, K., Inanici, M., & Mahic, A. (2016). Accurate Measurement of Daylit Interior Scenes Using High Dynamic Range Photography. Presented at the CIE Lighting Quality and Energy Efficiency Conference, Melbourne.

Mahic, A., Galicinao, K., & Van Den Wymelenberg, K. (2017). A pilot daylighting field study: Testing the usefulness of laboratory-derived luminance-based metrics for building design and control. Building and Environment, 113(Supplement C), 78–91.

Nezamdoost, A., & Van Den Wymelenberg, K. G. (2017). Revisiting the Daylit Area: Examining Daylighting Performance Using Subjective Human Evaluations and Simulated Compliance with the LEED Version 4 Daylight Credit. LEUKOS, 13(2), 107–123.

Nezamdoost, A., & Van Den Wymelenberg, K. (2016). Sensitivity study of annual and point-in-time daylight performance metrics: A 24 space multi-year field study. Presented at ASHRAE and IBPSA-USA Sim Build 2016 Building Performance Modeling Conference Salt Lake City, UT.

Nezamdoost, A., Mahic, A., & Van Den Wymelenberg, K. (2014). Annual energy and daylight impacts of three manual blind control algorithms.

Rockcastle, S. F., Amundadottir, M. L., & Andersen, M. (2017). A Simulation-Based Workflow to Assess Human-Centric Daylight Performance. In Proceedings of the 8th Symposium for Architecture and Urban Design. Lausanne, Switzerland.

Van Den Wymelenberg, K. G. (2014). Visual Comfort, Discomfort Glare, and Occupant Fenestration Control: Developing a Research Agenda. LEUKOS, 10(4), 207–221.

Van Den Wymelenberg, K., Inanici, M., & Johnson, P. (2013). The Effect of Luminance Distribution Patterns on Occupant Preference in a Daylit Office Environment (Vol. 7).

Van Den Wymelenberg, K.G., & Inanici, M. (2016). Evaluating a New Suite of Luminance-Based Design Metrics for Predicting Human Visual Comfort in Offices with Daylight. LEUKOS, 12(3), 113–138.

Amundadottir, M. L., Rockcastle, S., Sarey Khanie, M., & Andersen, M. (2017). A human-centric approach to assess daylight in buildings for non-visual health potential, visual interest and gaze behavior. Building and Environment, 113(Supplement C), 5–21.

Fahimipour, A.K., Hartmann, E.M., Siemens, A., Kline, J., Levin, D.A., Wilson, H., Betancourt-Roman, C.M., Brown, G.Z., Fretz, M., Northcutt, D., Siemens, K.N., Huttenhower, C., Green, J.L., and Van Den Wymelenberg, K.G. Daylight exposure modulates microbial communities associated with household dust. (In review)

Adams, R.I., Bhangar, S., Dannemiller, K.C., Eisen, J.A., Fierer N., Gilbert, J.A., Green, J.L., Marr, L.C., Miller, S.L., Siegel, J.A., Stephens, B., Waring, M.S., Bibby, K. (2016). Ten questions concerning the microbiomes of buildings. Building and Environment doi: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2016.09.001.

Blaser, M.J., Cardon, Z.G., Cho, M.K., Dangl, J.L., Donohue, T.J., Green, J.L., Knight, R.K., Maxon, M.E., Northen, T.R., Pollard, K.S., Brodie, E.L. 2016. Toward a Predictive Understanding of Earth’s Microbiomes to Address 21st Century Challenges. mBio 7:3e00714-1.

Brown, G.Z., Kline, J., Mhuireach, G., Northcutt, D., Stenson, J. 2016. Making microbiology of the built environment relevant to design. Microbiome 4:6 doi:10.1186/s40168-016-0152-7.

Emerson, J.B., Adams, R.I., Betancourt Romain, C.M., Brooks, B., Coil, D.A., Dahlhausen, K., Ganz, H.H., Hartmann, E.M., Hsu, T., Justice, N.B., Paulino-Lima, I.G., Luongo, J.C., Lymperopoulou, D.S., Gomez-Silvan, C., Rothschild-Mancinelli, B., Balk, M., Huttenhower, C., Nocker, A., Vaishampayan, P., Rothschild, L.J. 2017. Schrödinger’s microbes: Tools for distinguishing the living from the dead in microbial ecosystems. Microbiome 5:86. doi: 10.1186/s40168

Hsu, T., R. Joice, J. Vallarino, G. Abu-Ali, E. M. Hartmann, A. Shafquat, C. DuLong, C. Baranowski, D. Gevers, J. L. Green, X. C. Morgan, J. D. Spengler, and C. Huttenhower. 2016. Urban transit system microbial communities differ by surface type and interaction with humans and environment. mSystems, 1:e00018-16. doi:10.1128/mSystems.00018-16

Kembel, S.W., Meadow, J.F., O’Connor, T.K., Mhuireach, G., Northcutt, D., Kline, J., Moriyama, M., Brown, G.Z., Bohannan, B.J., Green, J.L. 2014. Architectural design drives the biogeography of indoor bacterial communities. PLoS ONE doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0087093. [featured in Fast Company, Wired, The Atlantic, The Scientist]

Mhuireach, G., Johnson, B.R., Altrichter, A.E., Ladau, J., Meadow, J.F., Pollard, K.S., Green, J.L. Urban greenness influences airborne bacterial community composition. 2016. Science of the Total Environment

Pastore, L., Rastogi, P., Rockcastle, S. F., Monari, H. Y. C., Rueff, G., & Andersen, M. (2016). Assessing the impact of contemporary urbanization on bioclimatic features of historic architecture through a two-step simulation process. Proceedings of PLEA 2016. Retrieved from

Adams, R.I., Bateman, A.C., Bik, H.M., Meadow, J.F. 2015. Microbiota of the indoor environment: a meta-analysis.Microbiome 3:49. doi:10.1186/s40168-015-0108-3

Meadow, J.F., Altrichter A.E., Kembel S.W., Kline J, Mhuireach G, Moriyama M, Northcutt D, O’Connor T.K., Womack A.M., Brown GZ, Green J.L., Bohannan B.J.M. 2013. Indoor airborne bacterial communities are influenced by ventilation, occupancy, and outdoor air source.Indoor Air 24(1):41–48. doi:10.1111/ina.12047.

Meadow, J.F., Altrichter, A.E., Bateman, A.C., Stenson, J., Brown, G.Z., Green, J.L., Bohannan, B.J.M. 2015. Humans differ in their personal microbial cloud. PeerJ 3:e1258. doi:10.7717/peerj.1258

Meadow, J.F., Altrichter, A., Kembel, S.W., O’Connor, T., K., Brown, G.Z. Green, J.L., Bohannan, B.J.M. 2014. Bacterial communities on classroom surfaces vary with human contact. Microbiome 2 (7). doi:10.1186/2049-2618-2-7. [featured in Microbiome Editorial “All hail reproducibility in microbiome research” doi:10.1186/2049-2618-2-8].

Vandegrift, R., Bateman, A. C., Siemens, K. N., Wilson, H. E., Green, J. L., Van Den Wymelenberg, K. G., & Hickey, R. J. (n.d.). Cleanliness in context: reconciling hygiene with a modern microbial perspective. Retrieved January 5, 2018, from

Andersen, M., Sarey Khanie, M., Ámundadóttir, M. L., & Rockcastle, S. F. (2013). Human Response in Daylit Spaces. Presented at the Colour, emotion and well-being. Retrieved from

Nezamdoost, A., & Van Den Wymelenberg, K. (2015). A Comparative Study of Spatial Daylit Area Drawings with Annual Climate-based Simulation Using Multiple Manual Blind Control Patterns, and Point-in-time Simulation. Presented at 2015 ASHRAE Energy Modeling Conference: Tools for Designing High Performance Buildings, Atlanta, GA.

Acker, B., & Van Den Wymelenberg, K. G. (2012). Plug load energy profiles and energy saving interventions in office environments. In 2012 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings.

Brown, G. Z., Hulse, D., Meachem, M., & Sekiguchi, T. (1992). Energy Design Software for Industrialized Housing. Presented at the 17th National Passive Solar Conference, Cocoa Beach, FL.

Brown, G. Z., & Loveland, J. (1990). Impact of Climate Change on the Energy Performance of Buildings in the United States. Presented at the 15th National Passive Solar Conference, Austin, TX.

Djunaedy, E., van den Wymelenberg, K., Acker, B., & Thimmanna, H. (2011). Rightsizing: Using simulation tools to solve the problem of oversizing. Proceedings of Building Simulation 2011: 12th Conference of International Building Performance Simulation Association, 2927–2934.

Dunn, J., Gladics, G.R., Wymelenberg, K. V. D., Djunaedy, E., & McKibben, S. (2011). Using Performance Modeling as a Vehicle for Re-Integration (p. 22.1629.1-22.1629.29). Presented at the 2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. Retrieved from

Egnor, T., Hayes, D., Jennings, J., Rodenhizer, D., Reichmuth, H., Van Den Wymelenberg, K. G., & Meek, C. (2016). Metered Energy Efficiency Transaction Structure in Ultra-Effiecient New Construction: Pay-for-Performance at the Bullitt Center in Seattle, WA. Presented at the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy, Asilomar, CA.

Olsen, R., Hart, R., Hatten, M., Ohmart, G., & Brown, G. Z. (2004). Ventilative Cooling: Can Businesses Live Without Mechanical Cooling? Presented at the American Council for and Energy Efficient Economy.

Van Den Wymelenberg, K. G. (2013). Toward resolving discomfort glare from vertical fenestration. Presented at the IES Annual Conference, Huntington Beach, CA.

Van Den Wymelenberg, K. G., Djunaedy, E., Brown, G. Z., & Kline, J. (2009). A Climate Responsive Design Tool To Promote Passive And Low Energy Design | Integrated Design Lab. Presented at the American Solar Energy Society. Retrieved from

Woods, D., Mahic, A., Van Den Wymelenberg, K. G., Jennings, J., & Cole, J. (2016). Simulation on Demand for Deep Energy Retrofits. Presented at the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy, Asilomar, CA.

Hartmann, E.H., Hickey, R., Hsu, Betancourt Román, C.M., Chen, J,. Schwager, R., Kline, Brown, G.Z., Halden, R.U.,Huttenhower, C., Green, J.L. 2016. Antimicrobial Chemicals Are Associated with Elevated Antibiotic Resistance Genes in the Indoor Dust Microbiome. Environmental Science and Technology doi: 10.1021/acs.est.6b00262.

Kembel, S. Eisen, J., Pollard, K., and Green, J.L.* (2011). The Phylogenetic Ecology of Metagenomes: Insights into microbial diversity and community assembly. PLoS ONE 6(8): e23214.

Vandegrift, R., Bateman, A.C., Siemens, K.N., Nguyen, M., Green, J.L., Van Den Wymelenberg, K.G., and Hickey, R.J. (2016). Hand Hygiene in the 21st Century: Cleanliness in Context; Biology and the Built Environment Center, University of Oregon, Eugene & Portland, OR.